LAST UPDATED 17th June 2024

General Rules

  • Everyone on the campus, including all students, is subject to the law and may face legal penalties if they break the law. Anyone breaking the law, or these school rules will also be disciplined by Stafford House. 
  • All students must visibly wear their lanyard and ID card at all times
  • Students must always obey reasonable instructions given to them by Stafford House staff.Alcohol is not permitted on our junior programmes for students of any age
  • Alcohol is not permitted on our junior programmes for students of any age  
  • Recreational drugs, including solvents or “legal highs” are against the law and are not permitted. This will result in being sent home
  • All of our schools are Smoke Free. Smoking or “vaping” (using electronic cigarettes) is not permitted on our courses. 
  • Visitors must not be invited onto the site 


  • Students are expected to attend all lessons and activities, unless they are ill, in which case they must be supervised by their Group Leader or Student Welfare Officer.  
  • Being late for lessons and activities is not acceptable, nor is disruptive behaviour in class, which prevents other students from learning effectively. You will work with your teacher and classmates on the first day to create a class charter covering these rules. 
  • All students must obey the school curfew times. Students must not disturb others and must return to their own rooms before the curfew time. They must not leave their room after lights-out time
  • Requests to be excused from specific activities must be agreed with the school welfare team and Group Leader 
  • During the school day students must stay with in the school green zone (this will be shown to students during their induction)
  • During free time (before or after school time, activities and meals), students may request to leave site in small groups (minimum 3 students). They must check-in and out with the student welfare team or Group Leader.
  • During excursions, if appropriate, students will be allocated free time in small groups (minimum 3 students) 
  • For a summary of free time allowances please see the table below:


Free Time Allowance

8-11 years old

12-15 years old

16 years old

School time On request - must stay onsite On request - must stay onsite On request - must stay onsite
Free Time No unaccompanied time 1 hour of free time 2 hours of free time
Offsite on excursions No unaccompanied time 1 hour of free time 2 hours of free time

*Free time privileges are based on respect for the school rules and may be limited if rules are broken 


Respect your school

  • Misuse of fire equipment or activation of smoke alarms will result in students being fined (students will have to pay compensation to the school). 
  • Vandalism will not be tolerated, and offenders will be made to pay for repairs.
  • Any damages will be charged to the student(s) concerned. Students are responsible for their own areas, and if a culprit is not found, the people responsible for that area will each be charged a proportion of the cost of the damage. 
  • Students are not allowed to cook in their accommodation 
  • Misuse of any computer, laptop, mobile phone or mobile device/tablet to visit violent or obscene websites and/or to download offensive material is not allowed and is considered a serious offence.. 

Respect your community

  • Violent or abusive behaviour, including bullying, cyber-bullying or bad language, will not be tolerated. Please see the Stafford House Anti-Bullying Policy.
  • Taking photos and recording videos of other people without their permission is not permitted 
  • Sharing of inappropriate or explicit images online or via mobile phones is strictly forbidden.


Local school and accommodation policies (supplementary to this document) will be displayed onsite and feature in the school induction that all students will receive on their first school day All decisions regarding discipline will be made in line with the Stafford House Student Disciplinary Procedure.



We understand that you trust us to take care of your students and we take our responsibilities very seriously. We have clear policies and procedures in place to ensure that we meet our students’ needs.




To keep all students safe, we ask all parents to complete our “Parental Consent Form” and send it to us before the course begins. This includes medical and emergency contact information.

All of our individual students will be met by our staff at the airport and taken to their chosen centre. Group students will also be met at the airport by a Stafford House representative and  travel in the care of their nominated Group Leader. 
When students arrive they will be given a lanyard to identify them as a Stafford House student – this will include their name, school address and the emergency phone number for the centre and our Head Office.  This means that in an emergency students will be able to contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days week. 



Our centre staff are carefully selected and trained to ensure they provide the very best care for students. All of staff are trained in child safeguarding and complete a British Council online course prior to arrival- we also have a Designated Safeguarding Person at each centre. 
Our management teams (Centre Directors, Directors of Studies and Activities Manager and Welfare and Accommodation Managers) are there to make sure everything runs smoothly. Our teachers and Activity Leaders make sure that students learn lots of new words and phrases and use them in fun, creative, and safe ways.
Student Welfare Officers are often called our teams in pink- they are there to ensure that students have everything that they need to make their stay safe and comfortable and are always available to answer questions and provide support.
Group Leaders accompany our group students during their stay and are responsible for their students. They assist with all elements of student supervision
Throughout the day supervision is provided for all students and they are not permitted to leave the site without a staff member, Group Leader or authorised permission.



Lessons- Class size is a maximum of 16 and students are supervised by their class teacher
Free Time and Meal Times- Group Leaders and Stafford House staff will supervise common areas and outdoor spaces and provide support as required
Activities- Activities are compulsory for students (individual students 16 and over are able to negotiate free time with parental permission with centre management). Activities will be run and supervised by our staff with the assistance of our Group Leaders
Excursions- Stafford House staff and Group Leaders will accompany students on all trips and visits. When appropriate to do so students will have the potential to be given some free time. This will depend on factors such as location, age, weather and how busy the area is. 
8-11 year olds- no unaccompanied free time, 12-15 year olds – 1 hour of free time, 16 plus year olds 2 hours free time
A monitored meeting point will be arranged so students can return at any time.
Night time- At the end of our evening activity our staff ensure that students return to their accommodation during lights out. A member of staff is then on night duty and is fully contactable, all students will know where to find them during this period if there is anything that they need.